Welcome! First Blog Post on the Travelling Criminologist

Hello! And welcome to the blog! I’m Emma, a qualified criminologist from Melbourne, Australia.

Me marching off to work

I’ve called this blog the Travelling Criminologist as have the degree, and I like to travel. Clever huh? ;).

I’m starting this blog to explain what criminology is, and make it more easy to understand and to get it talked about more! Annddd hopefully get my mum to stop telling people I’m one of the CSI people from television. Which would be very cool, but having the same person collecting and analysing evidence is definitely not accepted practice. I’ll explain more over the coming posts!

Over the next few weeks I’ll be sharing my work experience, and will focus on how crime prevention works. Then I’ll be starting a series on using business to address social problems, across the world and in Australia.


Comments and ideas for posts are most welcome, but keep it clean! If you wouldn’t say it to your mother, please don’t say it here. I look forward to hearing from you – and any questions will be answered on the blog as soon as I am able.

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